
Published: Građevinar 66 (2014) 6
Paper type: Subject review
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Testing and analysis of walls strengthened with FRP

Mojca Jarc Simonič, Samo Gostič, Vlatko Bosiljkov, Roko Žarnić


Laboratory and in-situ shear tests of walls strengthened with Carbon FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) strips and Glass FRP grid were compared to the results of different calculation models for masonry with FRP. Tests on new and old solid brick specimens showed an increase in shear strength and ultimate displacement. The best results were obtained with horizontally and horizontally-vertically epoxy-bonded strips and modified cement mortar grid configurations, worse with diagonal strips due to peeling failure. ACI and CNR calculation approaches showed the best agreement with experimental results.

laboratory test, shear strength, calculation models, masonry, FRP, in-situ test


Jarc Simonič, M. ., Gostič, S., Bosiljkov, V., Žarnić, R.: Testing and analysis of walls strengthened with FRP, GRAĐEVINAR, 66 (2014) 6, pp. 533-548, doi:


Jarc Simonič, M. ., Gostič, S., Bosiljkov, V., Žarnić, R. (2014). Testing and analysis of walls strengthened with FRP, GRAĐEVINAR, 66 (6), 533-548, doi:


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Foto Mojca Jarc Simonič WEB
Mojca Jarc Simonič
Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK
Foto Samo Gostič WEB
Samo Gostič
Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK
Foto Vlatko Bosiljkov WEB
Vlatko Bosiljkov
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Foto Roko Žarnić WEB
Roko Žarnić
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Chair for Research of Materials and Structures